Why Do People Hire A Financial Planner

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A recent Morningstar report looked at the reasons why people hire a financial adviser and found that, for 60% of the time there was an emotional reason and for 40% of the time, there was a financial reason.

The emotional reasons people listed included:

  • Their own discomfort handling financial issues.

  • Behavioural coaching – the desire to make good financial decisions and stay the course.

  • Quality of the relationship with the adviser.

  • Quality of the communication with the adviser.

The financial reasons people listed included:

  • Specific financial needs such as around retirement planning, receiving a windfall or to increase their income.

  • The quality of the advice and the service provided.

Our Experience

We often find that clients seek us out because of a specific financial need but that actually when we discuss this further they are looking for:

  • Financial clarity and an understanding of where they stand financially.

  • Peace of mind that their finances are being managed by a trusted adviser.

  • Removing the hassle and stress of managing their own finances.

  • Behavioural coaching and sticking with the plan irrespective of what the markets are doing.

How We Work

One of the reasons why I set up Mangu Wealth Management is that I didn’t want to be a transactional adviser focused on financial products or investments - these are simply tools to do a job. Too often, clients see a financial adviser worried about what the adviser is going to sell them. They meet every year for an annual review and simply receive an update as to how their investments have performed.

At Mangu Wealth Management we want to be on the same side of the table as our clients, providing them with the peace of mind that they are on track to achieve their ideal lifestyle and, if not, what can be done to address this.

We want clients to look forward to meeting with us in the knowledge that we are working towards the same shared goal.

Contact Us

If you are looking to hire a financial planner, please contact us using the button below for a free consultation.

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