Lifestyle Financial Planning in an Uncertain World
Yesterday saw the memorial to Shane Warne and the unveiling of the Shane Warne stand at the Melbourne Cricket Ground following his sudden death at the age of 52.
Shane Warne was undoubtedly one of the greatest cricketers of all time and there were a host of famous people, former cricketers and family members paying tribute to him.
His father, Keith, said that Shane Warne had packed more into his life “than most people would in two lifetimes.”
The sudden death of Shane Warne, the recent two-year anniversary of the first coronavirus lockdown and the brutal invasion of Ukraine by Russia is a stark reminder that none of us know what is around the corner.
When faced with an uncertain world, wouldn’t we want to pack as much as we can into our lives and live the lifestyle of our dreams?
As Lifestyle Financial Planners, we help our clients identify, achieve and maintain their desired lifestyles and we often find that clients are pleasantly surprised that they can do this with the financial resources they have.
Our job is to take away the financial stress which often holds them back from fulfilling their dreams. We want clients to make the memories that will last a lifetime, not to worry about the short-term fluctuations in the stock market.
If you want to explore your best life, please do get in touch.